Tag: the first kindergarten in the united states

‘Love and patience get tested’: Preschool educators on hiring processes and their challenges at work

‘Love and patience get tested’: Preschool educators on hiring processes and their challenges at work


Preschool teachers described the toll taken by the long hours and heavy workload that included not just lessons, but unseen preparation and administrative work.

Star Learners’ Ms Chen said the demand for early childhood educators “significantly surpasses” the available supply of qualified applicants.

The school’s centers are thoroughly staffed, but “short-term staffing gaps” appear from time to time, she said. These are filled by relief teachers. The school also offers internships and practicums, and participates in career conversion programs.

The retired preschool teacher said that the staffing situation has already improved from the past, recalling that 10 years ago, the ratio was two teachers to almost 30 nursery students.

But others may still find the situation untenable.

The former MindChamps teacher left in 2020 after three years on the job, when the stress started spilling over into her personal life and she found herself getting “very irritable, exhausted and sick most of the time”.

“Preschool teachers are overworked, lowly paid and put under so much pressure,” said the former teacher, who has left the sector entirely.

“Everyone joins the industry with love and patience, but it really gets tested throughout. I think it’s not something

Kindergarteners Already Use AI – News

Kindergarteners Already Use AI – News

David Touretzky(opens in new window) wants teachers and students to understand artificial intelligence. Whether or not they do, it’s already a part of their lives.

Dave Touretzky

David Touretzky(opens in new window)

A research professor at Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science(opens in new window)Touretzky is the founder and chairman of AI4K12(opens in new window)an initiative to develop guidelines and resources for teaching AI to students in kindergarten through grade 12. He’s also the principal investigator on a project funded by the National Science Foundation called AI4GA(opens in new window) that is developing an AI elective course for Georgia middle school students.

In the following Q&A, Touretzky explained why AI is such a hot topic, why learning about it is crucial for students and how it’s frequently misunderstood. This interview has been edited and condensed.

Q: Why should we teach kids about AI?

A: AI has been called the new electricity. It’s powering this fourth industrial revolution. It permeates everybody’s lives. Your phone, for example, is full of AI-powered applications. It’s important that kids understand AI because they’re growing up with it already. It’s not in their future, it’s their current life. By the