Celebrating the Achievements of Our Transitional Kindergarten Students!

At Minter Creek Elementary School, we recently had the honor of hosting a graduation celebration for our Transitional Kindergarten (TK) students and their families. This special event marked the culmination of a remarkable journey as these young learners prepared to embark on their K-12 education.

Transitional Kindergarten is a newer program offered by the Peninsula School District (PSD) for children who have not had access to high-quality early learning experiences before kindergarten. Designed to provide a solid foundation, TK ensures that every child receives the necessary tools and support for a successful academic journey.

Unlike traditional half-day kindergarten programs, Kindergarten at PSD is a full-day, full-week program. This ensures that our students have ample time to engage in meaningful activities, develop crucial skills, and form lasting connections with their peers and teachers.

Transitional Kindergarten is available at multiple elementary schools within PSD. Alongside Minter Creek Elementary, these schools include Discovery Elementary School, Evergreen Elementary School, Harbor Heights Elementary School, and Voyager Elementary School. By expanding the availability of TK across these campuses, PSD is committed to providing equitable opportunities for all students to thrive.

We are immensely proud of our TK graduates and their families for their dedication, resilience, and accomplishments. As these bright young minds set foot on their K-12 path, we remain committed to empowering every child, every day in the Peninsula School District.

Learn more about TK here.

A Minter Creek Transitional Kindergarten Student balances on one foot.